The Bund

The Bund
Sightseeing on The Bund September 2014

Thursday 9 October 2014

Děng yī xià...wait a moment!

I know I am long overdue a post and I have a couple pending that just need pictures adding/finishing off. The last 10 days have been a combination of Half Term and Golden Week, a 3 day National Holiday often extended to 7. Consequently I have not spent much time on the laptop and now need to get back on track stocking the cupboards, fridge and freezer following the 'break'.
I have just placed my first online 'protein' order to see how it works out. They had British looking bacon and sausages which I hadn't seen here yet so thought we should definitely try them! I am still finding my way with meat and fish as I have been warned off about fish from heavily polluted waters/unethical fishing practices and meat from animals fed steroids to speed unnatural growth and meat with added antibiotics to counter its poor quality. I try to remember to wash meat before cooking (not practical with mince obviously) and soak and scrub fruit and veg thoroughly as that too is renowned for being heavily coated with pesticides.
In addition to these new practices to add to my daily food routine, we are trialling various methods of moving money around and as most trips to the bank take 30-90 minutes at the counter, this is another time consuming affair (we have opened 3 bank accounts here so far and haven't yet totally cracked it!) I am all too aware I could do with a trip to the dentist, I need to get James booked in with an Ophthalmologist and I can't remember whether we need to actually register with a doctor, it seems likely. I am firefighting the issues as they arise currently rather than having a plan!

I did enjoy a trip to Marks and Spencer today, their bakery smelt heavenly, but some of the food prices were outrageous. I will no doubt have to cough up £4.50 (x2) for an Advent Calendar from there at some point as I doubt there are many alternatives, chocolate is expensive so putting one together myself may not end up any cheaper. I couldn't bring myself to pay nearly £5 for a little tub of cornflake bites when I know they are so easy to make. The problem is when milk chocolate is pricey (£1 for a tiny bar) and cornflakes are extortionate at £2.70 for a tiny 170g box, making them isn't necessarily a viable plan B!

So, I hope to back pretty soon with a couple more the meantime this is a hotel I have passed several times with a name that tickles me...makes me think of Dr. Seuss ;)

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